Saturday, March 17, 2007

All or Nothing?

Not long ago, I heard someone I like, someone I respect very much, say, "All religions are stupid."

I didn't say anything because, well ... all religions are stupid.

They're also deeply profound.

They speak to people in some essential way. They must. Otherwise, it seems to me, they wouldn't have any followers.

Here it's probably worth noting that I know a fair amount about one religion and a little about several others, but that's it. There are plenty I know nothing about. Plenty I don't want to know about.

Still, it seems fair to say that all religions are a mixture of life-altering truths and sometimes silly misconceptions. The only serious mistake, to my way of thinking, is the belief that there is only one path.

There are, in fact, many ways to reach any destination you can think of.

What makes religions seem stupid is that too many people think of them in all-or-nothing terms. I say take what works for you and discard the rest.

And be willing to change your mind in light of new information.

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