Monday, December 21, 2009

In My Hands

I'm holding it right now.

An advance copy of my book, Precarious.

It looks great and feels, well, substantial.

I like feeling the weight of it, the glossy cover. I like flipping through the pages, all 242 of them. I even like the slightly musty smell.

And I love the design. Thank you, Joanne.

Electronic books are cool, but give me ink on paper. Nothing could make a writer's first book more ... real.


Doug said...

YEAH BABY. That's what I'm talkin about. Can't wait to get my copy and read the hell out of those pages...

Anonymous said...

Try smelling a book on a Kindle ....

Can't wait to get my hands on a copy of PRECARIOUS myself ...



Mark Richardson said...

I can just imagine how much fun it must be to be holding your book!

I am looking forward to ordering Precarious from my local book store. I should be able to do so soon, yes? Get your signing pen ready!